Saturday, October 4, 2008

to those...

MAMI- i dont say that i love you often but regardless i know you know that i have pushed me to points where i wanted to crash down but i realize that you did it because you loved me..thank you for never giving up on me no matter how many times i upset you or failed you..i love you ma...

PAPI- through struggles and anger, i still have love for you and that'll never change, without realizing it you inspired the majority of my poetry in some way...i now notice that for the poems i concider " my best " you are the influence.. thank you from the bottom of my heart..i love you pa...

ANA- our teen years was me and you, school, home, and whenever, i mean we did share a room so we saw eachother day in and day was always us two aside from everyone else and the world, you guided me throught middle school and highschool, we had our issues like any other human being but we always moved on immidietly after. you werent only my elder sister but you were my friend something i needed to get through school :)...

FRANKIE- hmm our childhood it was always me and you..bat man and robin shall i say:) i was the only one who didnt care if someone saw me playing cars with you, i was basically your only friends growing up, we've also had our issues but we dropped everything immidietly, i was there for you when we were little and i'll always be there frankano!! dont forget that..i'm your big sister and i got your back:)...

MARI- we dont really exchange words much due to the fact that you're educated and i'm not but its cool cuz i talk to myself:) or ana:) but point out my flaws whether it's my writing or hurts to hear but...i know that knowing my flaws it'll help later down the road..thank you for being around:)...

LUIE- lets see you are the oldest yeah! you're farther from us but you're like the hero of the family..sounds strange i know especially coming from me right? seriously i get along with you..watching UFC or playing video games..we have never faught or rather argued..i couldnt ask for a better brother:)...

ROSA- while we were growing up at home we didnt really get along...not nessesarily on good terms..we didnt HATE eachother but it was like highschool where you know people have some words but not really? make sense? it doesnt to me:) but puttung that aside we were cool...dancing like idiots day in and day out, acting like morons, singing so we can see if we can break glass are a hard working woman julie and i hand you loads of respect for being how and who you are today.. you turned out good:) unlike SOME people:)...

DANNY- you always been there for me even when i didnt deserve it, we ran inot problems but we brushed it off and moved along...your a good person and a good've got your issues but we all do, i dont and will not hold them against you...

CASSY- my best friend, some one that always stood by me for 6 years running...we've ran into tidle waves but we kept on swimming, you put up with my daily rants and held my hand when everone else let it go.. i will never forget how much you've done for me... how much you suffered because of me and how much you've said to me..BFFL and beyonf that love ya BEGI...

RACHEL-though it seems our cord has been cut, i still concider you a part of this life i live..we've encountered hard times..trials of pain.. cried buckets of tears, you remained by my side and i by yours...nothing can take what you've given me..forever you are my friend..even if you dont call me one...

LIZ- you are one of few adults that i've ever looked up to and anticipated your class, you listened to me when i needed it the most, you held me high when no one else had the strength to hold the weight, i can never forget all you've offered me and all you've done for me, i have alot of love and respect for you and it'll never fade...

BREANNE- what can i say about you?...i belive i've put you through things no one deserves to be put through but i was selfish and careless, i didnt care if you cried at night because of me or felt like quiting your i look back and remember all you've said to me such as "there's always hope" i didnt belive it back then and back then i hate to hear things like that but now that i'm older i understand that phrase...and i also belive you now...thank you for never giving up on me and looking out for me...i have love for you and i have plenty of hope:)...

AMY- with all the support you gave me it was possible for me to last another 4 years or so, you gave me will to live on, strength to go on with the day and peace so i can sleep peacefuly at night, there's no way i'll be able to return such a thing, i'd die without returning the favor, but each day i live i thank you, hopeing somehow you'll hear me and accept my gratitude..thank you...

JEFF- you made my time at northeast seem easier than it looked... you added fun in with punishment, i was sent there to pay for my mistake and it seemed as if i was on vacation once i entered your class, you gave me strength i never had, power to stand confident hearing people tell me my writing skills are great, the strength to accept it, and the help i needed to learn how to believe compliments, i wouldnt be writing if you never told me i was good, you gave me the will to go on and i thank you forever...

K.MARTIN- you are one of few that has never given up on me, my many stunts and yet you remained by my side, through thick and thin, bad or worse:), for me you are not an " in-law " you are my sister, i will forever call you my sister, a sister i can run to if i need help or a shoulder to cry on, thank yuo for allowing me into your heart:)

TIFFA- its been what 2 years since we first met?, it was a bumpy 2 years but a great 2 years all at once, i am gratful, gratful that you entered my life, no more doubts no more fear, you are my sister until the end of all that lives:)...

MONICAL- on seneca i wasnt the greatest resident, i made many mistakes made wrong choices but you remained on my side, you always came to me for no reason, you needed no reason to talk to me, when you yelled at me you always apologized, i am proud to say that if anyone needs a mentor you'd be the best one to recieve, forever in my heart squeaky:)...

AICEIA- the way i remember you as is nuts but helpful, we had days where we'd act like kids, then days where we weren't on the good side then days where i said i hated you, but as i look into the past i see that when you pushed and pulled me it wasn't to see me crumble or explode, it was to prepare me for what lyed ahead in life, i see that the past shaped the present and the present shapes the future, thank you for assisting in my trip to today:)...

BEN- we dont talk much or have any sort of communication but that doesnt effect the love i have for you, i said you were my brother and that is how i feel today, once family always family, my little big brother:)...

HOLLY- we've never met before but my heart has spoken to me, it said that you belong in this heart of mine, you helped me when i had no one else's help and you were a stranger at that point, i can not thank you enough for being there for me when i had no other sources:)...

ALISON- another wonderful person i never had the pleasure of meeting, you cared for me like no stranger should have, i've spilled so many things that no one else knows about, people may say that this is a privilage earned, in my opinion i'm the one that's privilaged, though i belive i didn't earn it but i recived so much love from you, i respect you " starburst " and the only thing i can offer in return is my everlasting friendship:)...

LEIGH- you are one that enjoys talking to me, i really like talking to you and i hope one day we can sit down face to face and talk about everything and anything, i belive we'll get that day, we just have wait for it...i sometimes believe i dont deserve your friendship but seeing that you are my friend regardless of my personality, flaws and everything else, i am thankful to be called your friend:)...

MEL- you are an awesome person, you have a great personality and even great taste in men:) SHUJI! hehe, but to be able to talk to you about random things is a great point in my life, thank you for giving me time in your life:)...

CARLOS- we've had ups and downs like any other person out there, but if you never met me and ana, then rosa, i wouldnt have scarlo or janitsa to call my neice and nephew, i never believed in destiny or fate but maybe you are proof that it does indeed exsist....i have officially dropped the " in-law" 6 years into this family, you survived luie, mari, mami and held in there with this family and now you're part of it:)...

ABBY- we've hit a big wall.. larger than china's, but with all that, i still have respect for you, even though i never showed it when i had the chance, i can't forget the things you've done for me, you showed me new ways of thinking, a brighter path into the future and a way to cope with all my malfunctions, no one ever forgets people such as yourself, and i never will, though our connections had been disconnected, the amount of respect that i have for you only get larger, i wish you all the best and i pray your life goes the way you had planned:)....

IYESHA- no matter the miles placed between us you never forgot who i was, i can't imagine what life would be like if i never met you, you hepled me live life to the fullest, you may not realize it but you assisted God in shaping me, that may sound corny but its what i believe, you gave me company on the road to life, you helped me survive and breathe, i know happiness doesnt last forever, well nothing ever does right?... thank you from the bottom of my heart, my role model until i take my last breathe:)...

T.WOODS- we've had our rival moments but it never perminently interfiered with our friendship, you have fought with me, cried with me and even recived concequences with me,and because of mean and for me, they say that you have to put yourself before others, but you know me, i come last to everyone, even complete strangers, you go first tiff. i have always put you before me and til this day i do the same.. i love ya tiffany:)...

SHAREESE-when we were on seneca i took you under my wing... as you did for me, we were always around eachother, soon enough i concidered you my little sister, i love you as if you were my little sister, i feared for you, cried for you, almost punched a chick in the face for you...i would sacrifice all for you, my progress, my life and my future, i dont care if you wouldnt do that for me, it's what i'd do for little sister forever and beyond:)....

BEBE- we've been through hell together, now that you've moved far away i feel as if i'm missing a part of me, people always said that we could be portrayed as twins, we like the same music, we have similar hobbies and we were always seen big brother, someone i can always call for no reason whatsoever, the wall that never moves so i can have support if i fall, the shoulder i can cry on with comfort in return, the one that doesnt' mind my rants about random things, because you'd do it too:), i hold you inside the depths of my heart, nothing can have you removed..sangre:)...

GINNETTE- while i was the dorms, you never treated me like a resident, only if your supiriors were around, but you treated me like a friend, you're not too much older but you were the only one that spoke to me like a friend and acted like my friend, you never made me regret trusting you, and i still have my respect, i will remain your friend unless you say otherwise:)...

SHERRI- we've never met before but as far i can remember, you're the only person that enjoyed talking to me on the first try, it made me smile because we talkde about music, wrote randome things that made me laugh...topics we can both rant on and on about with no music, no life right?...thank you from the bottom of my heart, you've been a great person to me...:)...