Thursday, December 11, 2008

damn that stylist!!

why would you make someone wear a dress that was too loose on them? i mean are you asking for a wardrobe malfunction???
at 2008 golden disk awards...wonder girls leader min sun ye was wearing a pretty but bad dress, i would post a picture but i don't think its right...if i could I'd remove all her pictures from the net...the damn dress was falling off!!! she kept trying to pull it up in place but with each step she took, it inched downwards....normally sun ye is the first one out of the veichle, she normally smiles with such power, but you can see it in the pictures, you don't need her words or a video to know she was uncomfortable, she smiled but it was more like she only did it to not disappoint any one, cuz she's like that, she doesn't like disappointing fans...but jeez it really pissed me off that she had to wear that...all the girls had on pretty dresses, they looked stunning but sun ye had the dress that wasn't suit for her....LET ME AT THE STYLIST!! just kidding, but for time make sure the dress FITS!!!

after a while sun ye was able to change so she was back to the dorky leader min she is:)
the girls also performed 5 in 1 remix of "nobody" which was AWESOME! sun ye had a jazz remix, and she dominated the stage, she dropped it like it was hot!, sun mi had the pop remix, which fit her since she's SO cute:) it was well done too...sohee had this rockish r&b remix which was awesome, sohee danced better then ever! kudos SOHEE!! yeeun had the r&b soul type remix, which is her style of singing so she rocked the house with her amazing diva vocals...then yoobin obviously was the rap remix or hip hop..which was hot too...i cant pick a favorite since al five girls did amazing, and the music was also amazing....then they ended the whole perf. with the girls joining yoobin to finish the song....JOB WELL DONE! whoever thought up that perf. is a perf since wonder girls debuted!
wow...i went on a little rant huh? ha love it...not really:(

gotta go watch wonder bakery episode 5 and 6....

~ Aida

song....singing "nobody" in my head:)
mood: mad/happy/hyper/sleepy

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


a few recent sister Mari is gonna kill me for posting up her picture, she is camera shy:) too but she hates her picture being taken
my niece janitsa...she's the princess:)...and she's a weird 3 year old too:)

today nothing new happened it was a real big boring day full of nothing! my sister and her kids stopped by...only for a few minutes though....ummmmm...not much else to say

i am really slacking in the poetry department...I'm trying to put all my focus on my current stories..i have 4 I'm working on...i know i should finish one then move on but i get many random and different idea so it becomes multiple stories at once....
its a pain in the neck since i constantly jump from character to character or language to language or story mode to story mode
99% of my stories are written in 1st person...i like to jump into the character's head...that way i know what they think, what they say, what they do and why..ya know?? for me it's the only way a story can be written successfully
now if you were to read my'd think i don't know much English:) my method of writing...whether it be a poem or story or just a journal entry...i write how i speak..though from time to time I'll write how Americans should talk but i cant do it for long since i don't talk that way...I'm a slang chick, i try to use little words...i say little sentences so i don't have to talk much...ha ha sounds like a disorder or something:)
any who--------- whenever i give stories a break I'll resume poetry and give you something new and fresh to read..but! as for right now....I'm gonna be creative with videos and pictures

~ Aida

song: river flows by yiruma
mood: tired

Sunday, December 7, 2008

what today has handed me

this might be a bit random but hey! so what?

i was supposed to see my grandmother and uncle today, actually they are in new york so they were going to spend a few days's been over 10 years since i saw either of them so i and my family were very very excited and anticipating today...but plans changed at last minute so they weren't able to make it here, I'm bummed out but I'm more concerned for my mom...she hasn't seen her mother in so long so it had to of hurt her 100x more than it did to us
so yeah that was just a random moment...a rant if you will:)

for the WONDERFUL readers, if you don't check out soompi or any other wonder girls related blog, wondersubbers have subbed a few more videos..make sure to find them on YouTube and see's highly recommended by me:) and please respect their rules, i don't want the wondersubbers to stop subbing because the rules keep getting broken:) please and thank you:)

on another note.........i slept very little again but woke up somehow refreshed...but then it turned into aggravation!! my niece and nephew spent the night 2 days in a row so they gave me a headache..i love them being here but sometimes enough screaming from them is enough..know what i mean?
anyways...I'm off to find something to do...wish me luck in that:)

peashhh out!
~ Aida

Monday, December 1, 2008

december is here~

wonder girls have a make up line...the promotion pictures are really cute:) there are a few solo shots but! i dont wanna post them up...long process:)...if you wish to see them you can visit coolsmurfs blog

i will put a new poem up real soon..after i do a few things


Saturday, November 15, 2008

long day...


i watched Mnet MKMF...all of it..i even had my nephews lulu and Timmy watching it with me (not by force they loved it)
dsbk, big bang, wonder girls, shinee, winners!!!
wonder girls took home the best M/V...the best female group and song of the year!! wg took the best award home!! it was AWESOME...yeeun, sun ye, sun mi and yoobin cried after finding out they won the song of the year...sohee..not really she looked like she was in shock.....but damn i never seen them cry like that....tears of joy but allot of tear..especially yeeun and sun ye
WG did 2 new versions of their hit song "nobody" there was a disco version...they did it with 5 members of the hot group 2PM...they had hot ass moves too

watch it it is hot!!

big bang did a special stage with lee hyori....t.o.p kissed lee hyori!! ahhh!! she's lucky:)
dsbk performed clips of a few songs then "mirotic" but like a rockish version...i didn't like it at the beginning but then i got used to it

the ending made me cry even more (wonder girls had me crying on their song of the year speech)...i saw some dsbk members tearing up and wonder girls bawling!!...wg bowed to their fans...basically saying thank you for getting us here? was really cute but hurtful at the same time
if you would of heard me when they we showing the nominee's for song of the year....i was impatient and they KEPT STALLING! but once they said " and the winner is....(20 minutes later..:) j/k) WONDER GIRLS~~~...I SCREAMED IN a freaking chick's like nothing felt better than hearing that name...i never wanted to hear their name that much before....wonderfuls worked their ass off voting...Korean American whatever..we came together and voted....they gave registering instructions to non Koreans and voting instructions as well..we really came together and look at the result..wonder girls took home 3 big awards..i am very proud of the and the fans

that's it for fingers are hurting:)


Monday, November 10, 2008

the days

ugh..what a sucky day...this world is lacking in things to do
i am really bored...but because of my bordeom i added a few new sentences to my korean data base (right or no?) well yeah i have quite a bit more things to learn but slowly i'm getting there....s-l-o-w-l-y

hmmm..nothing else going on soo bye bye~

~ Aida.....has no music playing

Saturday, November 8, 2008


um...i am slacking with this blog:( shame on me eh? haha i have just been busy with the hell of life...
anywho - i dont have much to say...not much new in music world not much new with what do i share? .. my nephew scarlo singing along to wonder girls recent hit "nobody" its kinda loud because he had the mic really close to his mouth..but it's still cute

thats all for today...until my brain comes back:)

~ Aida

song : this song by : 2AM

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

the beggining of a new world

so today voting was was hectic and still is since they havent announced who is our new president....i hope obama wins and from what i can see he is winning....but....who knows who it'll be? something might happen that Mccain wins or obama wins:) no idea

um...updates on music....wonder girls are doing a reality series on Mnet called "wonder bakery" very excited to seem them a another reality series..we had mtv wg season 1, 2 and 3...then self camera episodes on Mnet...there might be more but i dont remember....sunye has to be haapy because she gets to cook and yeeun has to be haapy because she is surrounded by food!! haha some fans cal her hungry hippo..not to be mean but cuz she is always eating..and she weighs about 100 pounds or something like that...but in korea thats  a bit big...she's the biggest imagine how small the smallest is...90llbs?...

anywho - i mentioned Big Bang hosting a concert here in the states...i am still excited!! i hope i can go so i can Mr sexy man Tae Yang:)

gotta go my back hurts and i'm sleepy

song playing: "lie" by Big Bang

mood: sleepy yet excited


Thursday, October 30, 2008



whats up? um its been a while since i even visited my own blog..sad right??? yes i know

um...tomorow is HALLOWEEN!!!boo!!!!yes yes is also my little brothers birthday..he'll be 17 tomorow.exciting we're going to see saw 5 i cant wait!!!!!!

anywho - i am geting sick:( my throat is making me i've been forced to drink some water mii dont like water, yeah its good for you and needed to survive but i avoid pure water AKA water alone...anyway i can...but i needed to drink it in order to sleep last night

ok!..i read on soompi that wonder girls are having their first concert in feb. 2009 in korea then in march or may (one of the M's) they'll host a concert in the states!!!! i is excited

then i also read that big bang ( b to the i to the bang bang!) will also host a U.S concert!!! whhhhaaaaaa!!! that's double the happiness...i doubt i'll be able to go to either but hey...i'll try

ok..i shall go now to surf the internet:) i'll be back with a new poem to add to the edition

ja ne!!!!!~

~ Aida~~!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

good day!:)

scarlo went on a singing rant today..singing 3 asian was cute

Friday, October 17, 2008

today's not a good day for me
it started out early and with not so joyful news..i guess October is a bad news month..maybe due to Halloween? i don't know
so i was immediately....torn as soon as i woke up
and now that the day has ended it hasn't gotten any better
for those of you that are familiar with me, whether it be personally or threw another website or what ever the connection...those that know me well enough know the struggles i put up with daily
this post will only be understood if you REALLY know me
for the past month or two i have held back many things from people, even if i needed to let it go it never came out, it could be fear causing this but I'm not so sure
so people in my life don't know the truth behind the constant smiles or the constant randomness of mine...pretty much everyone believes I'm the normal Aida, with random phrases, laughing for no reason, speaking randomly etc...when in reality, its all just a cover up....i will not discuss the truth behind this post due to many many reasons, but if you insist on knowing ask and you may probably receive depending on who you are
i say that because i have trust issues....i don't trust everyone i know or anyone that i come in contact with...i don't really trust anyone unless they've proven to me that their trust is worth grasping
this blog was created to share my thoughts on different things, culture, music, hobbies or even politics if I'm in a good good good mood
i don't tell people much to begin with so take this as a rare really wont see these often, and the next post you might say "oh she's over it now" that's just really the cover up part of how i handle things
anyways..this post is pretty much pointless since this blog doesn't get read so


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


i cant sleep again so I’m dropping a new ost

i haven’t been keeping up with the poetry i just havent had time or have been willing to type a me lazy!

um....yesterday was my brothers 29th b-day so a happy birthday to danny!!!

not much else going on

OH! ~

i made a list of all the stories I’ve written and it’ll share them below:


" lie" 7 1 st person finished

"love = pain" 9.5 1 st person finished

"long time no see" 15 1 st person finished

"change of heart" 3.5 1 st person finished

"love too many" 3 1 st person unfinished

"wasn’t meant to be" 41 1 st person finished

"behind my back" 1 1 st unfinished

" betrayal" 1 1 st unfinished

"writing is magic" 3 1 st person unfinished

"school" 1 1 st unfinished

"sudden change" 2 1 st unfinished

"fantasy/crash" 3 1 st unfinished

"no fairytale" 11 1 st unfinished

"orphan" 1 1 st unfinsihed

" lover or friend" 2 1 st unfinished

"crush" 1 all modes unfinished

"finally" 1 1 st unfinished

"til i die" 2.3 1 st unfinished

"horror" 1 1 st unfinished

"dance" 0.5 1 st finished

"happy birthday" 2.5 1 st finished

"luck or what? " 86 1 st finished

"change for love" 29.5 1 st finished

"wrongful love" 1 1 st finished

"my all" 1 all modes currently working on it

the 1 pagers are the ones that are either short short short or i just lost all ideas for and gave up..unfinished means i had writers block and forgot what i wanted it to be, they are still open for me to continue if i like but as of now my main concern is "my all" sooooo..yeah I’m stuck on that one too

the story i gave hints about was "luck or what? " but i closed it and it is now completed !!!! it was the first story i actually finished

trust me i have boxes full of stories that i gave up on so this one means alot to me:-)

going to end this post this computer is making weird noises:)


~ Aida:-P

more crap

do you have fears??
i sure as hell do
i fear dounts people have about me and i fear neglection (if thats even a word)
i grew up hearinf so many threats about the future, as in the way we turned out to be, and i guess i just to a point where i not only believe them all but i also fear them, for me family means more to me than i do to myself, so having them suffer or hate me or whatever will kill me
i hate lieing to them everyday but although i hate it and i know its wrong i think it's best that way, the less they know the less they hurt...i cant be the one to tear this family apart, i will not be held responisible for that sort of damage, i refuse to be the ouytcast anymore, i refuse to be the one everyone makes fun of just because i'm not like the rest of the damn worl, or made fun of because my eye is all fucked up or judged becasue of the music i listen to, or made fun of becasue i suck at talking or i'm not the smartest girl on earth, or because i have interest in learning other language and culture, i hate being that girl that people go to just because they have a fucking problem and then they remember that i do fucking listen
i now stand away from you bastards that always thought i couldnt do nothing, you bastards that never looked twice at me because i'm different than the worlds population, you bastards that made me cry in school because i was too afraid to do a fucking speech!!! to those that know how i really am know not to push my buttons, i am bi-polar and a half and on top of that i'm a rican and padilla! but those that dont know or dont care, keep at it and i swear to god i'll make you wish you treated me with respect
they say the quiet ones are the ones you gotta watch out for....i'm quiet and i dont look for shit just to occupy my time or to make myself look tough or whatever but you push the million of red buttons i got, and best believe i'll hurt you!!
that is for all the people i went ot school with for the people who left me stranded in this place you call earth...the bastards that only use me if they dont have anyone else to fucking turn to
kiss my ass and good night!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

the crap

have you ever had someone that you concidered close up until you found out they want nothing to do with you?

i have and i belive i will always run into those type of people...some woman think they attrack bad guys some men say they attrack dirty girls..i say i attrack the people that cause damage as in friend wise
.......i'm not a bad person, i listen, i give support, i do all i can to do my part in a friendship even if it cost my life...with saying that i still dont understand why people turn out the way they do...i'm not perfect thats for sure but i'm not mean, now dont get me wrong you push the wrong buttons and you'll whitness adifferent side of me but that rarely happens since i bottle everything up inside....but when someone makes a mistake i forgive them dont you?...if you murder someone then your screwed cuz i want no part of your life
but say you prank call someone and they find out its you and they get all pissed off with you, cut you off that fair? even if you've apologized a million times and meant no harm what so ever?....if i was the "victom" i'd forgive them because i know they'll never harm me but
i dont know....people tell me all the time that i'm awesome, people tell me that i'm fun to be around or the only time they talk is if i'm the listener
why is it that she cant forgive me?

Saturday, October 11, 2008


i am bored and tiired
but yet i managed to write a post
i was cut open today by my 1 yr old nephew..he got me good on the cheek it hurt once he did it but after, not at all but it bled..weird eh?

anyways - i am learning BOTH japanese and korean, i began japanese first then i picked up korean due to japanese because of anime and korean because of music:) sweet huh?
but my japanese skills arent as good anymore because i fail to practice, and my korean skills arent any good becasue ITS FREAKIN HARD!! i know basic words but the writing has me hung and the grammar has me has murdered me twice!!
some say japanese is easy for spanish speaker due to the fact that we share a few words, then some say korean is easy for spanish speaker due to the fact that, un-like japanese, koreans pronounce the R's like we do but in my opinion, korean is harder for spanish speakers and japanese is only easy because of the shared words...both difficult languages

anywho - i'm changing the subject completly:)

many people belive that you need friends (or sources) in order to lead a happy life...if that's the case then i am leading no life...i make friends but for some reason they leave in some form..move away, decide to hate me, or just cut the cords for an unknown reason...i know i have many flaws and have moments where even i dont like myself...but having those flaws, insecurities and low-self-esteem doesent mean i'm a bad person, i'm sweet and understanding, i'm fun to be around
yeah i am quiet but once you get to know me and i you, i am very talkative
in school alot of people did the 'hate behind one's back" thing to me, with me giving them no reason...i only shot back twice, once in middle school and once in high school, but i was never given the oppertunity to solve it, which on my end was good enough..but i do get people that dont like me, many reasons include that i dont dress like a girl, i dont act like a girl and i make better friends with guys then i do girls....they see me as a target but they never say it to my face
the quiet ones are the ones you gotta keep an eye school thats what i was..quiet only spoke to a handful of people..i sat in class quiet writing in my notebook..and yet they had the cojones to begin a battle...they escaped defeat due to the fact that i was placed in a home but like i said before, it was good on my end

ok...i went to a home right? i did almost 3 months in a detention center and over a year in the actual first i didnt like the detention center, i never spoke up until the last month i was there...i got to know people by observing, i mean come on such a long period of time looking at the smae faces i knew more than they knew of themselves
then the home...i was quiet my first 2 weeks, it would of been longer but, once again i was attacked..but this time racially (not sure if that's a word but i used it)...when it comes to rasism, i take it seriously, maybe a tad bit too much..but she decided to call me a spic, say puerto ricans are dirty our woman are sluts our men are only good for low paid jobs etc....she even mentioned rasist remarks about ALL hispanics...this girl claimed she was half dominican, now to my knolage if you are half asian and half can say you're asian american (key word is asian) half dominican and half white....dominican is hispanic and is in it set me off....2 weeks of nothing but silence from me, this girl thought she was better than me only because she had white in her blood..i like just about anyone, but those that are rasist and think their better than anyone can keep walking......i got in her face but then the staff came in and did absolutly na da for her remarks to me..that pissed me off even more, i had urges to punch the staff that was in my face, and the chick.....but instead i took a walk having a colored staff talk to me....anyways...i've had my share of trouble making in the home....but i also had points where i was a victim, that i was critisized, and i had my share of happy and sad moments...for me that place holds many memories there for me..i met wonderful people, i learned about myself more, i learned ways of coping etc....even though all but 1 person i was in there with or met there has cut the cords....i still would give anything to reunite with them, even the ones i couldnt stand

there i go..i put in a book!! sorry for making you read soo much

gotta go occupy my time:) some more!

~ Aida



chances have been given to me
but yet i didn't follow along
felt that i let you down
although i know i was wrong

faith and you have kept me alive
i lost you and I'm loosing faith now
i apologize for my actions
I'm sorry rejecting you bow

you haven't spoke to me
though i wish you will
cant help but to cry
because i live like this still

often i get upset with how life has treated me
but the temptations were always driven
you showed me your smile
now i know I've been forgiven



Friday, October 10, 2008

i shall call it a night

Nana (cousin), lulu, juni, Timmy, Ty and scarlo

juni squinting his eyes after digging into the cake we were supposed to eat:)

it has been the longest day ever!!!!
juni's 1st b-day party lasted 2 hours, not too crowded which is good:)
he made his cake a disaster but it was fun watching him claw his way through...he's a good kid, and it was fun watching him just lie on the floor and crawl

um i stayed up all last night and it's 11:25 P.M right this moment
i am ready to fall over right now. my eyes itch and they feel dry


any who - juni did have a great birthday, the 1st one was full of joy and laughter

good night everyone

~ Aida


this is the first poem to be added to the BEST OF POETRY category

" THE"
the eyes, the nose, the tears
the color, the height, the fears
the voice, the speech, the lips
the air, the clothes, the finger tips
the giggle, the smile, the charm
the love, the heart, the one to bring no harm
the talent, the intelligence, the stare
the prom, the divorce, the gray hairs
the dance, the CD, the song
the party, the feet, the wrong
the hair, the skin, the dimples
the scars, the hurt, thank god no pimples
the laughter, the breath, the sleep
the car, the city, the peeps
the fight, the screams, the yells
the bird, the dolphin, what the hell?
the phobia, the food, the style
the toes, the teeth, the walk down the aisle
the scratch, the blood, the book
the stomp, the grab, the left hook
the show, the time, the hours
the dream, the store, the flowers
the website, the typing, the screen
the blond, the brown, the green
the flaws, the cake, the heavens
the walk, the job, the five foot eleven
the pen, the ink, the paper
the cops, the judge, the raper
the insecurities, the sighs, the look
the flight, the guards, the trip you took
the ugly, the rude, the mean
the stroll, the promise, the scene
the words, the fun, the poor
the strippers, the pimps, the whores
the danger, the memories, the pain
the washer, the water, the GAIN
the cards, the steps, the wonder
the creations, the excitement, the founder
the crowd, the glimpse, the thought
the sad, the happy, the well-taught
the beginning, the past, the trend
the pre-school, the family, THE END

how was it?..this is the only poem that anyone has ever read in front of me or with me knowing, i received good feedback though i believe they said it to not make me feel down. but OH WELL
i think I'm done for the day



so i can't sleep...i decided to share pieces of my story

character 1 diary entry #1 FYI: CHARACTERS NAMES WILL NOT BE REVELED

March 30Th, 2008 -4:17 P.M

I'm unable to sleep, i have so many things trapped in my head and heart, although I'm happy I'm sad, although I'm happy i still feel empty...(the woman i love) has shown me another side of life and for her support and teachings i thank her. I'm thankful for her and the girls existence and even mine
~ tragedy has struck me multiple times, it hit me like lighting on a metal object, but i was never alone in the recovery room, the girls never let me struggle alone, cry alone, get angry alone or even heal alone
~my cousin and his girlfriend aren't too fond of me at the moment, they believe I've forgotten them or even lost the love i had for them, it isn't true, once you enter my heart you'll never escape it
~ to everyone i hold inside my heart, i love you and thank you for blessing me with your company
character1 diary entry # 2

April 15Th, 2008 - 11:28 P.M

forgiveness means allot, it means allot to me and it should mean allot to you as well, given so many opportunity's that not many people are offered, i truly am blessed
I'm blessed with a loving family, dedicated friends and a humble girlfriend, though I've suffered a childhood with no mother, I've learned to accept her decision
~to my mother - if it's true that you're in heaven gazing down to me, I'm thankful for your tough decision, if you were to live, i wouldn't be here today, you have allowed me to live even if it meant that you lost your chance to life. that's the reason for my success my education, my work, my personality and even choice of friends
i do not take life for granted because if you didn't choose me over you i wouldn't have a life to begin with, although i am angry for your absence and sometimes wish that you chose option B, i now understand why...I'll never disappoint you mom..i live because of you and for you

character 2 diary entry

August 4Th, 2008 - 2:14 A.M

HELLO!!! we wrapped up today about an hour ago, I'm tired and SO soar but in approximately 6 hours we have to go out and do some MORE work...( the man i love) is asleep beside me, i say "hello!" on his behalf!!
TODAY'S RANT: "i love you"

I'm in love, today we exchanged the 3 special words " i love you" and my God was it heaven, he stared into my eyes as i stared into his glassy green eyes and said " i love you" it was perfect and flawless ^^
i know i say "i love you" allot but its to family and close friends, the 3 words i gave him felt different, more personal and more meaningful... not that i didn't mean it when i said it to anyone else but i really do love him. when he entered my life i couldn't move whenever he was around, i finally love some one and i pray that it last


character 3 diary entry

August 21st, 2008 - 1:27 P.M

hello, remember me? of coarse you do! you better, seeing that I've spilled my life to you for 3 years now!!
today i must share something with you , a secret, a secret NO ONE knows, so shh!! don't tell anyone
~ remember when we held the 2 week contest? the winner has won over our hearts and has earned our love, but... recently he's dating ( my friend) I'm very happy that their both happy but because of my happiness for them both, I'm unhappy with myself
the secret it~~~ i like him, he's cute, has a beautiful smile, good teeth, generous and has eyes no one can ignore, but he's taken and doesn't love me, well...maybe as a friend or sister but not the way i love him
when he was injured internally and externally i cried everyday, i couldn't sleep and i lost focus on everything, i respect his love for (my friend) i am just angry that i can't love him
but i will never love him, reason?i believe their love will last forever, their love is strong
and i will not hurt my friend
forever he will have my heart, whether he realizes it or not

oh!! i have to get going

luv: me!!

i decided to keep the character names hidden for now, holding some info will have better results:)
so whatcha think?
4 entries i have to stick into the story...ya! that means character 1's entries will mean i have to rewrite some parts :( I'll live!!!

yuppers my nephew is 1 years old today, it will be a hectic day today, set up, visitors, food!!!! we puertoricans gotta have food at gatherings or parties..not typical food but, traditional plates (well for my family) rice and beans, chicken, corn beef etc.....yummy i am getting hungry now!

OK--i have decided to begin sharing poetry with you...i will release one each day, so I'll post a poem in a new post:) tons of reading for you eh?
I'll title it BEST OF POETRY with the number after
ex. BEST OF POETRY #7...K?

next post I'll begin the collection:)
ta ta for now..gotta google some things:)


Monday, October 6, 2008


wallpaper i did of tae yang..he's HOT~~~

one of sun ye..this one is so~so~

this one i did made me laugh not sure why but it did

this one made my day!!! THEY ARE COMING FOR YOU...WATCH OUT!!!!

this one is BAD QUALITY but i like the format?? the way i arranged the 5 pictures was what made me not delete it


today was a long and weird day...i really didn't do anything special today i was too tired...i knocked out last night with a headache....woke up at 9:00 A.M and its 12:24 A.M now was a long an uninteresting day for me

i listened to DSBK’s new song "mirotic" it’s good..then i listened to a preview of Big Bang’s new song " number one" that’s a hot song:)

so yeah not much to share today

ta ta!!! for now..let’s see if i can actually sleep

~ Aida!!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

soompi :)


i have been in and out of soompi all day today...reading saving pictures copying lyrics etc. it really is a good and interesting site, if you're on it long enough you begin to feel like its a family rather than it being thousands ( if not more) strangers...for me soompi is a place where i can talk to and share things to my brothers and sisters:) its been almost a year since i registered there, i think, i found many new artist that i now love, new songs to listen to truly is a great site to entertain you and takes things off your'll even make you forget the things most important he he like me, i was supposed to do the dishes before my mom got home and she called and then i remembered i was supposed to do the dishes..ha ha i finished then 2 minutes before they got back:) like makes you feel like time has stopped but it actually makes time tick faster:)

ANY WHO- i am not tired and it's like almost 11:00 PM...which isn't late in my opinion...but I've been up since 9:00AM so for me i should of been asleep:)...i think i am lazy, i rather have people do things for me than i do them myself, i am selfish, but i do place people before me..if i like you and actually stand'll be before me..if i don't like you.. te hodistes (spelled wrong?)..oh that're screwed or something that resembles that word:)

OH!!!! i have been writing songs lately..since i suck at writing lyrics it might not being good enough to even read..but i still did it..i wrote my own lyrics to already made songs...." miahn maeum" wonder girls, " irony" wonder girls, " last farewell" big bang, "only look at me" tae yang, gajyega" wonder girls, " ibabo" wonder girls, " saying i love you" wonder girls...I'm almost done with "move" by wonder girls.....those are wrote in English

then i did "only look at me" tae yang and "miahn maeum " wonder my opinion they are best written in English....but i think they all suck:)

i might eventually post them in here:)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

to those...

MAMI- i dont say that i love you often but regardless i know you know that i have pushed me to points where i wanted to crash down but i realize that you did it because you loved me..thank you for never giving up on me no matter how many times i upset you or failed you..i love you ma...

PAPI- through struggles and anger, i still have love for you and that'll never change, without realizing it you inspired the majority of my poetry in some way...i now notice that for the poems i concider " my best " you are the influence.. thank you from the bottom of my heart..i love you pa...

ANA- our teen years was me and you, school, home, and whenever, i mean we did share a room so we saw eachother day in and day was always us two aside from everyone else and the world, you guided me throught middle school and highschool, we had our issues like any other human being but we always moved on immidietly after. you werent only my elder sister but you were my friend something i needed to get through school :)...

FRANKIE- hmm our childhood it was always me and you..bat man and robin shall i say:) i was the only one who didnt care if someone saw me playing cars with you, i was basically your only friends growing up, we've also had our issues but we dropped everything immidietly, i was there for you when we were little and i'll always be there frankano!! dont forget that..i'm your big sister and i got your back:)...

MARI- we dont really exchange words much due to the fact that you're educated and i'm not but its cool cuz i talk to myself:) or ana:) but point out my flaws whether it's my writing or hurts to hear but...i know that knowing my flaws it'll help later down the road..thank you for being around:)...

LUIE- lets see you are the oldest yeah! you're farther from us but you're like the hero of the family..sounds strange i know especially coming from me right? seriously i get along with you..watching UFC or playing video games..we have never faught or rather argued..i couldnt ask for a better brother:)...

ROSA- while we were growing up at home we didnt really get along...not nessesarily on good terms..we didnt HATE eachother but it was like highschool where you know people have some words but not really? make sense? it doesnt to me:) but puttung that aside we were cool...dancing like idiots day in and day out, acting like morons, singing so we can see if we can break glass are a hard working woman julie and i hand you loads of respect for being how and who you are today.. you turned out good:) unlike SOME people:)...

DANNY- you always been there for me even when i didnt deserve it, we ran inot problems but we brushed it off and moved along...your a good person and a good've got your issues but we all do, i dont and will not hold them against you...

CASSY- my best friend, some one that always stood by me for 6 years running...we've ran into tidle waves but we kept on swimming, you put up with my daily rants and held my hand when everone else let it go.. i will never forget how much you've done for me... how much you suffered because of me and how much you've said to me..BFFL and beyonf that love ya BEGI...

RACHEL-though it seems our cord has been cut, i still concider you a part of this life i live..we've encountered hard times..trials of pain.. cried buckets of tears, you remained by my side and i by yours...nothing can take what you've given me..forever you are my friend..even if you dont call me one...

LIZ- you are one of few adults that i've ever looked up to and anticipated your class, you listened to me when i needed it the most, you held me high when no one else had the strength to hold the weight, i can never forget all you've offered me and all you've done for me, i have alot of love and respect for you and it'll never fade...

BREANNE- what can i say about you?...i belive i've put you through things no one deserves to be put through but i was selfish and careless, i didnt care if you cried at night because of me or felt like quiting your i look back and remember all you've said to me such as "there's always hope" i didnt belive it back then and back then i hate to hear things like that but now that i'm older i understand that phrase...and i also belive you now...thank you for never giving up on me and looking out for me...i have love for you and i have plenty of hope:)...

AMY- with all the support you gave me it was possible for me to last another 4 years or so, you gave me will to live on, strength to go on with the day and peace so i can sleep peacefuly at night, there's no way i'll be able to return such a thing, i'd die without returning the favor, but each day i live i thank you, hopeing somehow you'll hear me and accept my gratitude..thank you...

JEFF- you made my time at northeast seem easier than it looked... you added fun in with punishment, i was sent there to pay for my mistake and it seemed as if i was on vacation once i entered your class, you gave me strength i never had, power to stand confident hearing people tell me my writing skills are great, the strength to accept it, and the help i needed to learn how to believe compliments, i wouldnt be writing if you never told me i was good, you gave me the will to go on and i thank you forever...

K.MARTIN- you are one of few that has never given up on me, my many stunts and yet you remained by my side, through thick and thin, bad or worse:), for me you are not an " in-law " you are my sister, i will forever call you my sister, a sister i can run to if i need help or a shoulder to cry on, thank yuo for allowing me into your heart:)

TIFFA- its been what 2 years since we first met?, it was a bumpy 2 years but a great 2 years all at once, i am gratful, gratful that you entered my life, no more doubts no more fear, you are my sister until the end of all that lives:)...

MONICAL- on seneca i wasnt the greatest resident, i made many mistakes made wrong choices but you remained on my side, you always came to me for no reason, you needed no reason to talk to me, when you yelled at me you always apologized, i am proud to say that if anyone needs a mentor you'd be the best one to recieve, forever in my heart squeaky:)...

AICEIA- the way i remember you as is nuts but helpful, we had days where we'd act like kids, then days where we weren't on the good side then days where i said i hated you, but as i look into the past i see that when you pushed and pulled me it wasn't to see me crumble or explode, it was to prepare me for what lyed ahead in life, i see that the past shaped the present and the present shapes the future, thank you for assisting in my trip to today:)...

BEN- we dont talk much or have any sort of communication but that doesnt effect the love i have for you, i said you were my brother and that is how i feel today, once family always family, my little big brother:)...

HOLLY- we've never met before but my heart has spoken to me, it said that you belong in this heart of mine, you helped me when i had no one else's help and you were a stranger at that point, i can not thank you enough for being there for me when i had no other sources:)...

ALISON- another wonderful person i never had the pleasure of meeting, you cared for me like no stranger should have, i've spilled so many things that no one else knows about, people may say that this is a privilage earned, in my opinion i'm the one that's privilaged, though i belive i didn't earn it but i recived so much love from you, i respect you " starburst " and the only thing i can offer in return is my everlasting friendship:)...

LEIGH- you are one that enjoys talking to me, i really like talking to you and i hope one day we can sit down face to face and talk about everything and anything, i belive we'll get that day, we just have wait for it...i sometimes believe i dont deserve your friendship but seeing that you are my friend regardless of my personality, flaws and everything else, i am thankful to be called your friend:)...

MEL- you are an awesome person, you have a great personality and even great taste in men:) SHUJI! hehe, but to be able to talk to you about random things is a great point in my life, thank you for giving me time in your life:)...

CARLOS- we've had ups and downs like any other person out there, but if you never met me and ana, then rosa, i wouldnt have scarlo or janitsa to call my neice and nephew, i never believed in destiny or fate but maybe you are proof that it does indeed exsist....i have officially dropped the " in-law" 6 years into this family, you survived luie, mari, mami and held in there with this family and now you're part of it:)...

ABBY- we've hit a big wall.. larger than china's, but with all that, i still have respect for you, even though i never showed it when i had the chance, i can't forget the things you've done for me, you showed me new ways of thinking, a brighter path into the future and a way to cope with all my malfunctions, no one ever forgets people such as yourself, and i never will, though our connections had been disconnected, the amount of respect that i have for you only get larger, i wish you all the best and i pray your life goes the way you had planned:)....

IYESHA- no matter the miles placed between us you never forgot who i was, i can't imagine what life would be like if i never met you, you hepled me live life to the fullest, you may not realize it but you assisted God in shaping me, that may sound corny but its what i believe, you gave me company on the road to life, you helped me survive and breathe, i know happiness doesnt last forever, well nothing ever does right?... thank you from the bottom of my heart, my role model until i take my last breathe:)...

T.WOODS- we've had our rival moments but it never perminently interfiered with our friendship, you have fought with me, cried with me and even recived concequences with me,and because of mean and for me, they say that you have to put yourself before others, but you know me, i come last to everyone, even complete strangers, you go first tiff. i have always put you before me and til this day i do the same.. i love ya tiffany:)...

SHAREESE-when we were on seneca i took you under my wing... as you did for me, we were always around eachother, soon enough i concidered you my little sister, i love you as if you were my little sister, i feared for you, cried for you, almost punched a chick in the face for you...i would sacrifice all for you, my progress, my life and my future, i dont care if you wouldnt do that for me, it's what i'd do for little sister forever and beyond:)....

BEBE- we've been through hell together, now that you've moved far away i feel as if i'm missing a part of me, people always said that we could be portrayed as twins, we like the same music, we have similar hobbies and we were always seen big brother, someone i can always call for no reason whatsoever, the wall that never moves so i can have support if i fall, the shoulder i can cry on with comfort in return, the one that doesnt' mind my rants about random things, because you'd do it too:), i hold you inside the depths of my heart, nothing can have you removed..sangre:)...

GINNETTE- while i was the dorms, you never treated me like a resident, only if your supiriors were around, but you treated me like a friend, you're not too much older but you were the only one that spoke to me like a friend and acted like my friend, you never made me regret trusting you, and i still have my respect, i will remain your friend unless you say otherwise:)...

SHERRI- we've never met before but as far i can remember, you're the only person that enjoyed talking to me on the first try, it made me smile because we talkde about music, wrote randome things that made me laugh...topics we can both rant on and on about with no music, no life right?...thank you from the bottom of my heart, you've been a great person to me...:)...

Thursday, October 2, 2008


hello people!!

i want to share some more things with you play list :)
i put a small portion of the music i love to listen to

hope you enjoy and i apologize for making this an extra short one but i am tired

~ Aida!
T.O.P OF BIG BANG!!! he got madd skillz and he's cute too..he's got this deep voice which adds some hotness to him :)

TAE YANG ( YOUNG BAE ) OF BIG BANG!!! he's hot and talented hot body. great voice and hot dance moves!!! so PERFECT

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


" saying i love you" by- wonder girls written by park yeeun

Nuhn neul naegae malhaetjiwae saranghandan malhaji ahnnyagonahl saranghagin hanyago.
Geundae nahn malya jom duh dalkomhagae jeoldae yijeul su upgaeyounghwasokae yeonindeulchuhrum gobaekhalyuhgo.
Gidalyutuh hwinnooneul na ijaemalhalgae neol wihae ahgyuhdooutdun geumal
saranghae haetsalboda noonbooshin nuhyae misoreulnahl ahnahjoodeon nuhyae doo soneul saranghae saranghae
yaksokhae na jeoldae neol ddeonaji ahneulgae.yireokgae neul ni yupeh seoseo na malhalgae.
meol geuri mangseolyinyago geugae geuri uhryupnyago.nae mahmeul deutgo shipdago.
Geundae nahn malyajom duh teukbyulhagae suchuh jinagahji ahngaegue uhneul nahlboda ahreumdapgae
giukdwaedorokgidalyutuh hwinnooneul na ijaemalhalgae neol wihae ahgyuhdooutdun geumal
saranghae haetsalboda noonbooshin nuhyae misoreulnahl ahnahjoodeon nuhyae doo soneul saranghae saranghae
yaksokhae na jeoldae neol ddeonaji ahneulgae.yireokgae neul ni yupeh seoseo na malhalgae.
han soongando neowah dduluhjigo shipji ahnah naegae ahngyuh shiganyi mumchoogireul barae na yiruhgae neol saranghae
saranghae haetsalboda noonbooshin nuhyae misoreulnahl ahnahjoodeon nuhyae doo soneul saranghae saranghae
yaksokhae na jeoldae neol ddeonaji ahneulgae.yireokgae neul ni yupeh seoseo na malhalgae.
neol saranghae neol saranghaesaranghae saranghaeneol saranghae

mii love this song!!!


it will be Thursday hours...i think i was sick for half the day cuz i felt weak unless it was sleepiness or laziness.. not too sure

any who---i shall share something with you ( below )

the motion you create, makes me stop where i stand
the glow you give off, makes this love expand
each sound you create, catches my ear instantly
the eyes you're blessed with, returns my sanity
the many words you speak, in my heart are stacked in piles
Creator of this love, with just the light of your smile....

good??? here's #2 ( below )

please forgive me for retreating, the words i sent you weren't misleading
the support i sent you i don't regret, the love i have i must forget
i can't erase your face, it won't allow another man to take your place
i suffer from loving you too much, you took over like, words, dreams and such
I'm sorry for abandoning you in a hurry, i had no choice but save myself from misery
i had nothing left to do, i am forever forbidden to love YOU!!!!


i know i said I'd share a piece from my yet finished story but i thought i can give you two poems to replace it for what cha think?? are they good? bad? awesome? poor? great? or not bad?....i can never rate my own writing because i believe I'll say what i wanna hear :)

any who---today was nephew who is almost 1 (on 10-10 ) he gave me some kisses on my cheek :)!!!! funny cuz he didn't want to kiss anyone else..not even his own mama!! how cool is that? i always say he's my son that my sister just popped him out for me he he^^

anyways---gotta cut it short..peace and chicken strips :)

~ Aida!!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008


scarlo and janitsa

i am bored...i slept maybe 4 hours or 5..whatever..and i am bored so seeing that i am bored it's making me all i wanna do now is nap naps aren't an hour's hour SSS long so i don't want to sleep now cuz then I'll be up all night and it'll trow my whole routine off

you should check this site have to register but it'll be worth it..if you like my interest in music then it'll be worth registering
go go go and I'll see you there:)


Sunday, September 28, 2008


wonder girls "nobody" video with English subs

to me this video is awesome...Park Jin Young (JYP) added comedy to it all and it kinda reminds me of dream girls:) i love this song

credits for video : tube and the Wonder Girls:)

there is 2 more versions of this song..1 is a ballad but it's only about a minute long, like a intro or preview, and 2 ND is a remix which is like R&B rather than dance..all versions are great but i like the original version best

i hope you enjoy because it took FOREVER!! to upload:)

Saturday, September 27, 2008


okay so i slept about an hour..cant sleep due to too many things crashing my brain!!

if you tell someone " i smile because the first thing i think of in the morning is you" is that cheesy? AKA cheap?....or if you say " when i wake up the first thing i want to see is you" does that also fall in the cheap category?
ya i am so lost...this story I'm writing is like I'm LIVING IT! nothing else comes to mind but the story which i gave a name to " forbidden love " from my previous description it doesn't make sense but....... then again I've added maybe 25 or so more pages so it suits the story

right now I'm at a chapter where he confronts the girl and says " i can't think of anyone but you and when i open my eyes in the morning all i wish to see is you" right? OK so just that iffy? ( these words I'm using don't seem to fit ) writers aren't perfect but....yeah i don't consider MI a one has ever read a story i wrote...I've had 2 poems read but since it was family i can't really believe what they said about it...they more than likely told me what i wanted to hear :) NOW THAT'S CHEESY
ya let me stop with the slang words because i don't really know if it's place is made no sense to me

MY EAR IS RINGING!!!! anyway- after the guy ( name is christian ) reveals his love for the girl ( name is Abby ) I GOT does someone react to lines like that? laugh or sit in aw or punch the guy...that's why i hit a road block people!....when it comes to things like this..i suck...basically i can start a story but never finish...I've written many many many stories in my 20 years of life but managed to finish ( end) solamente uno....1 out of hundreds...lame no?

Spanglish has escaped me yet again :)

until the next time i log in ")

~ Aida!!!

this day

hello hello :)

today was a long day...i woke up at 4:00 A.M and i ate some granola cereal and sat and watched the sky change it's color....still unsure of why i woke up so early i mean where i live there's always people out but today it was like a ghost town :)...i have a habit of dancing right?'s my way of xcersise ( spelled that wrong?) around 4:40 A.M i danced to random song...some Korean some Spanish and some English...after dancing for almost 3 hours i showered and sat on my desk and began writing.. for some odd reason after i sweat from dancing i write poetry...but today i started writing a's about a guy who falls for a woman he believes he can't have...i wrote 47 pages in 30 minutes (not a quick writer i just had the ideas flowing)....maybe tomorrow I'll give you a preview of the story maybe a little feedback to " tell me " if it's worth reading so i can know if i should keep going

any who - i saw my niece and nephew today scarlo and janitsa
cute huh?
it was fun...we had fun listening to music and playing games..that was's always fun when it comes to my nieces and nephews

any who---i shall go i got to sleep...i feel like if I've been drained and i haven't eaten since 7:00 A.M so mi is hungry :)))

ja NE!
~ Aida!

Friday, September 26, 2008


so today i decided to open a blog....its been forever that i read other peoples blogs..and today i finally took interest in having my own

let's see.... that is min sun ye..leader of one of my favorite groups..Wonder Girls...they came back with a new song titled "nobody" i think it was well sung and the girls did a swell job...i expected what i received..but actually i received more than i can imagine..sohee ( mandu) sang the best in my opinion...she has been constantly criticized for her singing ability but with this come back..she basically shut up those who doubted her...
any who--the girl i favour more is sun ye..though i like all the other members but if i had to choose an order from 1-5..basically a top 5 the order would be....

1: sun ye ( she has the whole package)
2: yeeun ( she can sing!)
3: sun Mi ( she is random and mi like random )
4: yoobin ( she is a hot rapper and has skills)
5: sohee ( she's cute like a puppy )
though minus the top 2......3, ,4 and 5 tend to change...depending on my mood that day but number one and two will never change..i first noticed sun ye then yeeun caught my attention so they wont loose their number :)

okay.......i shall rant about me a little eh?
I'm 20 years yorker too :) not the city, a small town 2 hours or so from the city...i am one of possibly thousands in my family...not the favorite shall i immediate family was all we had growing up and it's still the same i have 3 elder sisters , 2 elder brothers and 1 little brother....i have 2 nieces and 7 nephews...there will be a number 10 but we have yet to find out if it's male of female..
my interest are : writing poetry and stories, listening to music..i have a variety of genres (k-pop, j-rock, Spanish, rock to even christian music)...i am puetorican..speak fluent Spanish and fluent English, though i sometimes think my English sucks :) i don't watch much TV but I'll sit and watch CSI, NCIS and law and order..not much TV though ( really!)

anyways--i hope you enjoy reading...i made it a high priority to write in this blog of mines
trust me it'll be random so brace yourself :)

take care
~ Aida!!!